
Behavior: Agressive
Health Points: 20 hp
Base Damage: 10 Poison
Adv. Damage: 40 Fire


Let you who read me know of the Surtlings, that you might not fall prey to their wickedness. Long ago the great demon Surtr was brought down and destroyed by the First Men, giant warriors of whom you are but a dwindling echo. They smote long upon the body of this Surtr with swords and hammers so that his fiery substance was shattered into many small pieces. He who was made of the fire was fire in every part of him. You could not say ‘Here is the brain of Surtr’ or ‘Here is Surtr’s liver’ because every part was Surtr. So all the fragments of him were Surtr still, only much weaker in power and in thought and in memory, with no way to become whole once again. Now we call these fragments Surtlings and when they are found they should be stamped out like the last embers of a fire or doused with water to choke off their flames at the root. They will throw fire from afar and joy in causing terror and destruction. Even in his scattered dotage, the demon seeks revenge on the children of the First Men.

Lives in biomes:

